Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Last half of January

I have lots of random pictures from the past couple weeks in January. I'll start with all the fun we've been able to have outside. It certainly doesn't look like the middle of winter here!

Addie's been wanting to blow bubbles and have the bubble machine on a lot lately when we've been outside. Good entertainment for Bryce too :)

 Walking the rest of the way home after a ride in the stroller. She insisted on carrying her purse :)

 Fun at the park after a Stroller Strides class. 

Later that same day we were back to the park again! Bryce has the biggest smile when he's swinging.
One warm morning we went to River Legacy Park. This was our first time here. It's a little bit of a drive for us, but the park is definitely worth the drive!

Grandpa Holman visited us for a couple days after his business trip in Denton. He had packed a suitcase full of the toys they had gotten in Ohio for Christmas since we were not able to take everything back with us on the plane. It was like Christmas all over again! Addie had lots of fun playing with her toy sandwich food with Grandpa.

Bryce playing with his little driving toy that he had gotten for Christmas. He loves this toy!

Addie was happy to see her tent in Grandpa's suitcase...
 Bryce wanted to go in too!

More pictures....I'll start with ADDIE:

This month she's made a lot of progress with potty training! I think I can say now that she is fully potty trained (except for at night). The past week and a half she has been wearing underwear all day and just one diaper at night. She's very proud of herself and I am too! It is so nice to now only be changing diapers for Bryce.

One of her new favorite things to do is to sit and cut up a piece of paper. She'll sit there for sometimes 30-45 minutes just cutting up paper. It's a good quiet, hand/eye coordination activity :) 

Addie can pester Ziva quite a bit sometimes, but Ziva should love Addie. She keeps her food bowl piled high and is always wanting to give her treats. If it were up to Addie, Ziva would be eating treats all day long :)

 Playing with Ziva...

We had a credit at Best Buy so I bought the Disney's Just Dance for the Wii for Addie...(and maybe for myself too ;) )...So far she's not too into doing it herself...but certainly liked watching Mommy do it ;) 

I had to take a picture of this tonight to show her years later when laundry probably won't seem like so much fun anymore. She thought this was the best thing being able to put the laundry in the washer and was so excited about it :)

On days when Stroller Strides is inside we're at the Mansfield Activities Center. After class the kids can go over and play at Toddler Time where one of Addie's favorite things to do is jump in the bounce house. Here is Addie and her friend Keira releasing all their energy! :)

Now for some pictures of BRYCE:

Happy after bath

Excited for a warm day outside

Who knew two little raspberries could make such a big mess!

Just like his Daddy, he wants the buttons!

 Playing with toy food while Mommy cooks dinner.

 Playing at the MAC after Stroller Strides.

Loves eating Mum Mums!

That sums up January. We're looking forward to lots of fun in February!

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